Legal information


Last updated: December 2022

Thank you for visiting our website! All personal information that you provide when contacting us will be treated confidentially and will only be used to send you product information, to assist with your specific enquiry or to provide you with a service offer. Your data may be passed on to partners in the GO! network for the above-mentioned purposes.
We have created this website for you with the greatest possible care. Despite our meticulous research, we cannot guarantee that it is absolutely free of errors. GO! rejects all liability for any damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of the website, unless the damage can be attributed to intentional action on the part of GO!

All images, texts and other information published on this website are protected by copyright of GO! General Overnight Service (Deutschland) GmbH, its facilities and GO! Express & Logistics (Schweiz) AG. Any distribution, duplication, reproduction or transmission, storage or broadcast is expressly prohibited without prior written consent.

Any images, sounds and text files submitted by you become the property of GO! Express & Logistics (Schweiz) AG and may be used freely by GO! Express & Logistics (Schweiz) AG. The submitter transfers the rights of use to the material provided by him/her to GO! and declares that they are authentic, belong to him/her and are freely available for placement and advertising. They further declare that there are no third party rights in any form whatsoever to the materials. The customer hereby indemnifies GO! against any claims by third parties in this connection.

In some places on these pages you will find links to other companies, authorities or private individuals, for whose content we accept no responsibility. Without exception, the operator of the respective website is responsible for the content of these pages.

No general permission has been granted to other internet providers to link to the GO! Express & Logistics (Schweiz) AG website. The only exceptions are websites with content directly related to the subject, whose webmasters we ask for brief information. Internet providers with immoral, criminal or political content are generally prohibited from referring or linking to our pages under threat of criminal and civil prosecution.

Arbitration board for disputes between customers and postal service providers

According to current Postal Ordinance (PVG) Chapter 6: Oversight, Section 4: Arbitration board, Art. 65 ff. The Postcom arbitration board is available to our customers as a point of contact for any civil disputes (link: Postal Ordinance).

Link Postcom
